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Canon Canonet QL17 G-III | New York

One Sunday afternoon I picked up a Canon QL 17 G-III at the Fort Greene Flea Market in Brooklyn for $30. The value in 2018 is about 100 to 140 USD so $30 was a great deal. The Canon QL 17 G-III is a 1970's era rangefinder with a fast and sharp 40mm f1.7 lens. It looks good, is affordable, and has an optional automatic aperture, making it relatively easy for someone new to photography to use.

At the time I shot this roll I had only had the camera for a few weeks and was still new to the Rangefinder method of focusing. There was just one photo where I completely missed focus but that was because the camera was on the floor and I couldn't get my eye into the viewfinder - of course I could have read the distance marking on the lens but perhaps I hadn't thought of that at the time.

I've shot over 50 cameras since first picking up the Canon QL 17 G-III and looking back I'm still impressed by it's looks and performance. I would be happy to own one again and I can highly suggest this camera to anyone shooting film, especially if you have not yet experienced a rangefinder camera.