Pentax LX | New York | Fuji Superia 1600 | Samyang 85mm 1.4

Of the hundred cameras or so I’ve owned, used, and sold, letting go of my Pentax LX may the biggest regret of them all. Luckily, for a few hundred dollars I can find one again at any time, though the waist finder [pentaprism replacement] I was so fond of is rarely available online.

When I shot this roll I was living a few train stops away from the one and only B&H Photo Video - so new gear monthly was the norm. I was interested in the modern Pentax mount manual focus Samyang 85mm f1.4 purely for the specs. I bought one and paired it with one of my favorite films - Fuji Superia 1600 - and the results are among some of the sharpest looking photos I’ve ever taken.